One-heartedly Take Refuge in Amitabha Buddha
One-heartedly take refuge in Amitabha Buddha of the Land of Ultimate Bliss. May His pure light shine upon me, may his compassionate vows save me. I now single-heartedly recite the name of the Tathagata (Amitāyus), attain rebirth for the Bodhi path.
临终三大要 Three Important Matters at the Time of Death (Chinese)
Three Important Matters at the Time of Death
The most tragic thing in the world is nothing more than death, but no one in the world can escape it. Therefore, those who want to benefit the self and others should have considered it early.
Nianfo Sincerely and Don't Change the Subject!
The "Infinite Life Sutra" says: "Because this Dharma has not been heard (referring to reciting the Name of Amitabha Buddha to seek rebirth in the Pure Land), there are 10 million Bodhisattvas have retreated from Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi (The Unsurpassed Perfect Enlightenment)!
Buddha’s Birthday & His Life
Today is the birthday of Shakyamuni Buddha in Chinese Mahayana Buddhism (we celebrate it on the 8th day of the fourth lunar month).
Birthday of Bodhisattva Manjusri
Today is the birthday of Bodhisattva Manjusri (文殊师利菩萨)in Chinese Mahayana Buddhism.
Debunking the Common Myths of Meditation
When we mention the word meditation, a lot of people, particularly people who have no idea what meditation is, would think that it is very difficult. It may require one to sit still for a long time, and not think of anything. This is a common misunderstanding of meditation, particularly for a lot of beginners and outsiders.
The Essence of Buddhism: Why It Is Not Just Another Religion
When one mentions Buddhism, most people would think it’s just another religion. However, if one examines and studies the teachings of the Buddha, one will realise that it is not just another religion. In fact, it transcends religion and even the so-called philosophy.
Nianfo: The Easiest Meditation for All
The Buddha has taught many different types of meditation.
Chanting As An Effective Meditation
Many people think that to meditate one needs to sit quietly and do it in a particular way.
Meditation For The Super Busy
Many people in this busy world may be too busy to find time to meditate.