Other Sutras

Other Mahayana & Theravada Sutras

For Pure Land practitioners, one can just focus on the five Pure Land Sutras. However, if you want to broaden your knowledge in Mahayana Buddhism and Buddhism in general, you can also have a look at the following sutras. Amituofo.

If you would like to access more sutras, you can visit the following links:

For Mahayana Chinese Buddhist Canon:

Chinese Buddhist Canon (乾隆大藏經 Qianlong Tripitaka) (Chinese)

The Chinese e-Tripitaka by Foguangshan 佛光山電子大藏經 (Chinese)

Mahayana Sutras: English Audiobooks and Videobooks 

For Theravada Pali Canon:

Theravada: The Pali Canon (English)

SuttaCentral: Early Buddhist texts, translations, and parallels (English)