Bodhisattva Vasubandhu 天亲尊者




Born nine hundred years after Sakyamuni Buddha entered Parinirvana (approximately between the 4th and 5th centuries) and about 200 years after Nagarjuna Bodhisattva. Vasubandhu was an influential Buddhist monk and scholar from Puruṣapura in ancient India, modern-day Peshawar, Pakistan. He was a great Dharma master who wrote a commentary on the Abhidharma. After his conversion to Mahayana Buddhism, along with his half-brother, Asanga, he was also one of the main founders of the Yogacara school.

He was the author of the Rebirth Treatise (Upadeśa on the Sūtra of Amitāyus Buddha) - a commentary based on his studies from the Infinite Life Sutra. It taught how to Nianfo and attained rebirth in the Western Pure Land. It established the five training doors of mindfulness. First is the door of paying homage, the second is the door of praising, the third is the door of making vows, the fourth is the door of visualising, and the fifth is the door of transferring. As the Gatha (verse) says, "World-honoured one, I single-mindedly take refuge in the Tathagata Amitayus, whose hindrance-free light shines in the ten directions, vowing to be reborn in His Land of Peace and Bliss, I now rely on the profound sutras, the true merit of the Tathagata, I speak these all-encompassing stanzas of vowing in accordance with the teachings of the Shakyamuni Buddha and uphold the Infinite Life Sutra, so it can be used to correspond to the method the World-Honoured One teaches about the Pure Land Nianfo (Buddha-mindfulness) Dharma gate. 

The Rebirth Treatise clearly points out the solemn benefits of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, which is the most detailed and clear among all the treatises. After the Rebirth Treatise came to China, Master Tanluan (476-542 AD) wrote the "Commentary on the Rebirth Treatise" on this basis. Commentary on the Rebirth Treatise condenses the teachings of the Pure Land since Aśvaghoṣa, Nagarjuna, and Vasubandhu and integrates them into Chinese culture. It is a masterpiece that laid the foundation for the lineage of Pure Land Buddhism in later generations.


Nāgārjuna Bodhisattva龙树菩萨


Pure Land Great Master Tanluan 昙鸾大师